Our Association is very happy to announce the launch of our summer workshops this year.
As you may already know, Tai Chi is an artform that has numerous styles and forms. And it continues to be evolving, even today.
However, despite its myriad of variations, there are certain cores or pillars in Tai Chi which underpins all styles. Amongst them are the Four Ordinal Techniques: Tsai, Lieh, Chou and Kao. And they are attributed to the four ordinal directions.
These will be the theme of our workshops this summer! The workshops will be presented by Master Lam Kam Chuen – author of ‘Step-by-step Tai Chi’ – and Sifu Tinyu – author of ‘A Gaia Busy Person’s Guide: Tai Chi’.
The workshops is opened to the wide public. They will be suitable for both beginners and seasoned practitioners. Whichever Tai Chi style you practise, we believe these workshops will still be relevant and informative to you.
These will be one-day workshops. (There are two dates to choose from but you are welcome to attend both.) The workshop dates* are as follows:
• SUNDAY, 7TH JULY 2024; and
There are two dates to choose from but you are welcome to attend both, if you wish. (Discount on the second attendance.)
The venue will be in hybrid format. This means you can choose to attend via Zoom or in-person at our London studio (address below).
The workshops will begin at 10am and finishes at 5pm, with two tea breaks and a lunch break. (Meals not included.) For those from outside the UK, please account for the time zone difference. You can try the link below:
Book early to secure a place! Price on inquiry.
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