

Who are we? We are as well-known as we are obscure. Although established for decades, we tend to keep a low-profile. Found out who we are below.



This Association is founded by Master LAM Kam Chuen himself over 30 years ago. It is based primarily in London, United Kingdom. We have always intended to be more of a community than an organisation - a big family in the tradition Chinese sense. Some of the members who joined at the beginning of the Association years ago are still with us to this day. The number of members we had over the years is over hundreds. And our members, not limited to just UK, are spread across Europe and beyond.

The goal of the Association is to introduce and push out various traditional Chinese well-being systems to the Western world.  In another word, unlike a 'kung fu' school which focuses on the combative aspects of Chinese culture, our Association focuses on promoting health and general well-being.

We played a significant role in introducing Tai Chi Chuan publicly to the United Kingdom back in the 70s. And we introduced Zhan Zhuang to the whole of Europe in the early 90s.

Directly and indirectly, our Association has touched thousands of lives.  We bought countless people to a new awareness in their wellbeing. It is a place for like-minded people to gather, socialize and make friends.



Master LAM Kam Chuen was born in Hong Kong and came to the United Kingdom back in the 1970s.  Starting at an early age, he has devoted his life to the various Chinese cultural arts and disciplines. He is a living example of Chinese holistic culture.  He is accomplished in the traditional “Five Arts” as studied by advisers to the imperial Chinese court.

He brought his wealth of knowledge with him to the West and introduced many of the arts to a Western audience.  In short, he was and still remains a pioneer in bringing the East to the West, particularly in Chinese healthcare and wellbeing.

He produced numerous books and presented in various videos and TV appearances. On TV, he was most well-known for starring in the Channel Four TV series 'Stand Still-Be Fit'.  Through his books, videos and TV appearances, Master Lam has touched millions of lives.



Sifu Tin Yu was born in the United Kingdom in the late 70s. He is the second son of Master Lam. As the traditional Chinese way is for the sons to inherit the knowledge and expertise of their fathers, Tin Yu and his brothers studied under Master Lam from a very early age.

He subsequently developed a genuine interest in all things ancient. In his pursuit, he studied world mythology and ancient philosophy in his own time.

He graduated from Imperial College with a Bachelor’s Degree (Hons) in Mathematics with Management and a Master’s Degree in Finance.

As of today, he has produced two works. His debut book 'The Way of Tea' was a joint production with his parents. His next book 'A Gaia Busy Person’s Guide: Tai Chi' was his sole production.

To know more about Master LAM and his work, please visit his personal website...

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